The place of graffiti in our lives

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September 3, 2022

The place of graffiti in our lives

The graffiti is a projection of the person's reaction to the events and situations he encounters. Wall writers struggle to gain their own identity, that is, to exist.

The daily life of ordinary people, their past experiences, and their concerns for the future are expressed in these articles. The walls are especially used to express love, reproach, self-identification, advice, politics, etc. used for the purposes. It should also be noted that there is a tendency for writing names and dates in writings.

Graffiti is mostly short posts. Therefore, like other short genres in literature, they have to say a lot with few words. How the word is spoken matters. The way the word is said also explains what is meant to be said with that word. The metaphors used, deviations in the language, surprises or beautiful naming are the main elements that make up the way the word is said.

It is noteworthy that graffiti have an attitude that questions and criticizes the social and political structure and develops new perspectives. The target audience of graffiti is often young people. However, there are examples where individuals in managerial positions and educators are also targeted. When making a discourse analysis about a graffiti, knowing who the article is targeting makes it easier to reach the meaning. Starting from the idea that discourse is always about something, it is seen that there is always a subject in question in graffiti. These texts are texts that enable social interaction to occur. The graffiti writer communicates, albeit indirectly, with the people they announce, and they share their experiences, their attitude towards any event or situation. Walls function as a medium where writers share their feelings, thoughts and perceptions. While the articles evoke a feeling of pity on the readers, they also warn and make them think. Contradictions and contradictions create a feeling of tension on the reader. Each post conveys a message. This ensures that new texts are formed in the mind of the reader. When graffiti is read and understood, an energy is released. This energy creates a stimulating effect in the mind of the reader. ☀

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